Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What a BUMMER!

I knew when I started this that I was coming down with something. I was sick with cold/flu symptoms yesterday and again today. Fever is 102.8. Don't like it, but that's the way it is.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


This beginning is a step of faith. Changing the world was not what I had in mind when I lost my job and seriously considered working from home. All I wanted was the peace of mind that comes from a solidly backed source. Manna from heaven, I mean money from heaven, would have been nice; maybe that's what this journey will turn out to be. In any case, I know I am doing what God has in mind for me at this moment.

I have started my own successful business before; so, I know the excitement. The excitement comes in several forms such as stepping out into a business I am unfamiliar with and doing the things that come with it that I've never done before--like putting my picture on the internet. Never thought I'd want to do that; now it's done. It might even get on this site before I log out tonight.

But the real excitement I'm feeling, also for the first time, is the possibility of being able to work one on one with the CEO of a large company. I pray the result of working with her and others on the team will be mutually beneficial. I am confident we'll be pleased with the results, and I know for certain that being able to build for the benefit of charity will be beneficial for the non-profit organization as well as for me and my upline. I'm anxious to see those results, aren't you?

I'll tell you right now, I have never been one to express myself verbally. I think I write better than I speak, but time will tell. The point in telling you this is that I expect to make this a daily endeavor, but I am usually short of words. Daily entries will be a challenge for me. I just hope that reading about them does not become a challenge for you, my readers.

Anyway, true to my word, I offer only this closing wish: Good night.